FDA Highgate Springs, Vermont Resident Post Contact Information

Address, Phone Number, and Hours for an FDA in Highgate, Vermont.

Name FDA Highgate Springs, Vermont Resident Post
Address 462 Welcome Center Road, Highgate VT 05488 Map
Phone (802) 868-4725

Map of FDA Highgate Springs, Vermont Resident Post

About FDA Highgate Springs, Vermont Resident Post

The FDA Highgate Springs, Vermont Resident Post, located in Highgate, VT, is a branch location of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A regulatory agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, the FDA regulates food and drug related products to protect public health. In Franklin County, the FDA regulates the food supply to ensure public safety. Similarly, the FDA regulates drugs and medical products to ensure their safety, efficacy, and security. In addition, the FDA regulates tobacco products, electronic products that emit radiation, and cosmetics. Finally, the FDA Office promotes innovations to increase food safety and make drugs and medical devices safer and more effective.

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