Chartres-Pontchartrain Mental Health Department Contact Information

Address, Phone Number, and Hours for an Mental Health Department in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Name Chartres-Pontchartrain Mental Health Department
Address 719 Elysian Fields Avenue, New Orleans LA 70117 Map
Phone (504) 942-8101

Map of Chartres-Pontchartrain Mental Health Department

About Chartres-Pontchartrain Mental Health Department

The Chartres-Pontchartrain Mental Health Department, located in New Orleans, LA, is a government agency focused on the prevention and treatment of mental illness and substance use disorders. The Mental Health Department also offers programs and services focused on recovery for New Orleans residents struggling with mental illness or substance abuse. The Department of Mental Health coordinates with Louisiana state, Orleans Parish, and federal government agencies, as well as private mental health service providers, to provide services for New Orleans residents.

Interested parties may contact Mental Health Department for questions about:

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