Kemmerer Social Service Department Contact Information

Address, Phone Number, and Hours for an Social Services in Kemmerer, Wyoming.

Name Kemmerer Social Service Department
Address 1100 Pine Avenue, Kemmerer WY 83101 Map
Phone (307) 877-6670

Map of Kemmerer Social Service Department

About Kemmerer Social Service Department

The Kemmerer Social Service Department, located in Kemmerer, WY, is a government agency that offers social services for Kemmerer residents. Social Services include health and human services, low-income programs, and government benefits. The office oversees these programs to provide a social safety net and protect children, the elderly, and vulnerable adults. Kemmerer residents can contact Social Services to learn more about available programs, eligibility guidelines, and to apply for services.

Interested parties may contact Social Services for questions about:

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