US Department of Defense - LaGrange Military Base Contact Information

Address, Phone Number, and Hours for an Department Of Defense in Troup County, Georgia.

Name US Department of Defense - LaGrange Military Base
Address 205 Youngs Mill Road, LaGrange GA 30241 Map
Phone (706) 845-4311

Map of US Department of Defense - LaGrange Military Base

About US Department of Defense - LaGrange Military Base

The US Department of Defense - LaGrange Military Base, located in LaGrange, GA, is a branch location of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), which is responsible for national security and manages the U.S. Armed Forces. Headed by the Secretary of Defense, the DoD oversees military readiness across the country and employs over one million active duty military service members, nearly one million National Guard and Reserve members, and civilian employees stationed in the Troup County area.

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