Kahului Hawaii TSA Contact Information

Address, Phone Number, and Hours for an TSA in Maui County, Hawaii.

Name Kahului Hawaii TSA
Address 425 Koloa Street, Kahului HI 96732 Map
Phone (808) 872-0207

Map of Kahului Hawaii TSA

About Kahului Hawaii TSA

The Kahului Hawaii TSA, located in Kahului, HI, is a branch of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), a federal agency charged with monitoring travel and screening passengers at major transportation areas including airports. The TSA Office protects passengers and transportation systems while minimizing terrorist threats through its security measures. In addition, the TSA Office oversees government contracts with private screening firms in the Maui County area. A division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the TSA was founded in 2001 by the Aviation and Transportation Security Act.

Interested parties may contact TSA for questions about:

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